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Think of other’s as havening a disability as a gift from God to show other’s they can do something special.
--Jennifer Hoover

Try something new at least once

I firmly believe Special Olympics is more than just a program of sports, training and competition; it's a strong statement of optimism about human life.
William J. Clinton, former president of the United States of America

If people would believe in us like Special Olympics and see what we can do, they would be amazed. My ambition in life is to turn ‘no’ into ‘yes.’ If someone says I can’t do something, I want to prove I can.
Suzanne O’Moore, Special Olympics Australia athlete
It is the Special Olympics athletes’ ability to deliver and exceed everyone’s expectations, including my own that impresses me the most.
Peter Lynch, Vice Chairman, Fidelity Management and Research Company

"Share our similarities, celebrate our differences."

Special Olympics Athlete Oath

"Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.

Miley Cyrus - The Climb: Hannah Montana The Movie

The Climb by Miley Cyrus should be Special Olympics theme song. To me it means, for everything that comes your way; you will always have another challenge. You can find out your meaning for yourself.

From Special Olympics Fan Community

A World of Neglect

A World of Neglect
People with intellectual disabilities are every society's most neglected population. Nearly 200 million people, or three percent of the world's population, have an intellectual disability, making it the largest disability population in the world.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

On intellectual disability as term by "Wikipedia"

They and other dictionary's will not stop using the r-word in till Congress says otherwise.

NOTE: I switch out MR for ID.

Intellectual disability is a generalized disorder, characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors with onset before the age of 18. Once focused almost entirely on cognition, the definition now includes both a component relating to mental functioning and one relating to individuals' functional skills in their environment.

IQ below 70
The first English-language IQ test, the Terman-Binet, was adapted from an instrument used to measure potential to achieve developed by Binet in France. Terman translated the test and employed it as a means to measure intellectual capacity based on oral language, vocabulary, numerical reasoning, memory, motor speed and analysis skills. The mean score on the currently available IQ tests is 100, with a standard deviation of 15 (WAIS/WISC-IV) or 16 (Stanford-Binet). Sub-average intelligence is generally considered to be present when an individual scores two standard deviatons below the test mean. Factors other than cognitive ability (depression, anxiety, etc.) can contribute to low IQ scores; it is important for the evaluator to rule them out prior to concluding that measured IQ is "significantly below average".
The following ranges, based on Standard Scores of intelligence tests, reflect the categories of the American Association of Mental Retardation, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV-TR, and the International Classification of Diseases-10:

Class / IQ
Profound ID Below 20
Severe ID 20–34
Moderate ID 35–49
Mild ID 50–69
Borderline intellectual functioning 70–80

Since the diagnosis is not based only on IQ scores, but must also take into consideration a person's adaptive functioning, the diagnosis is not made rigidly. It encompasses intellectual scores, adaptive functioning scores from an adaptive behavior rating scale based on descriptions of known abilities provided by someone familiar with the person, and also the observations of the assessment examiner who is able to find out directly from the person what he or she can understand, communicate, and the like.

Found at Wikipedia

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